Singing From Our Hearts to Yours Since 1937
Summer Group Vocal Lessons
July 8th, 22nd, 29th, & Aug. 8th
Lessons start Monday, July 8 at 7pm
Messiah Lutheran Church, Longmont
Total Cost: $50 for All 4 Sessions
Heather Romig, a local voice instructor, is partnering with the Longmont Chorale and will be leading a 4-session class this summer during the Chorale’s usual hiatus. Heather is a seasoned and expert voice instructor – one of her former adult students has said that Heather knew exactly how to tailor her instruction for his specific voice and gave him feedback that greatly helped his singing. This is, in fact, her specialty as stated on her website:
“My specialized interests are the student’s specific learning styles and personal goals. My master’s thesis was on this very topic, and I implement the studies and results of this into my teaching for effective playing and singing.“
This will be an excellent opportunity to take time to grow as a singer for an INCREDIBLE value – if you were to take private voice lessons from any local instructor for the same amount of time, you would be paying a minimum of $360. The total cost for all 4 sessions is only $50.
Awake, my Soul, and Sing!
Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 3pm
Doors open at 2:30pm
Venue: Longmont HS
Experience the timeless beauty of Schubert’s Mass No. 2, a masterpiece of classical music and other works by Schubert’s contemporaries as the Longmont Chorale, a chamber orchestra, and guest soloists present: “Awake, my Soul, and Sing!”
This is a family friendly event.
Tickets are Available at the Door
When online sales close, all is not lost! Tickets are also sold at the door for all of our concerts at no extra charge.
Sing With Us for our Season Finale Concert!
Join us!
Rehearsals for our May concert begin on:
Monday, March 10, 2025 at 7pm
Messiah Lutheran Church in Longmont
This is your opportunity to sing with the Longmont Chorale! Join us on Monday, 3/10 or Monday, 3/17 as we begin to rehearse for “Salute in Song”, featuring Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living on May 4th.
Click the button below for more details.
Our audience will not be required to show proof of vaccination for our concerts. Masking and distancing will be optional. Please consult your medical doctor to see if attending an indoor event such as this one is right for you. By attending, you acknowledge and agree that 1) the Longmont Chorale cannot keep you from getting sick, and 2) you are voluntarily entering the venue at your own risk.
Strike a Match for the Longmont Chorale!
Now through May 31, a donation of any size will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $2,000.
Our finance committee calculates that we will face a $5,000 loss due to ending the season early because of the pandemic closures.
Click the button below to donate via Give Lively – and thank you in advance for your generosity!

Special Announcement Regarding our March, April, and May Concerts
Our Spring 2020 Concerts Will Not Be Held at This Time
Dear Longmont Chorale audience members,
Due to new CDC guidelines regarding those in vulnerable age groups and/or having underlying health issues being urged to avoid large public gatherings, we have made the difficult decision to end our season, effective immediately. This includes the Viva Voce concert in April.
Please read the update posted on Thursday, 3/06/2020 on the CDC website here:
As much as we all love singing together and for our audience, we need to follow the recommendation to avoid large gatherings to protect everyone’s health.
Please watch our website, social media, and your email for more information.
We hope you will follow the practices listed by health authorities like the CDC and WHO. Stay well, and we’ll be in touch again soon.
Take care,
Bob Balsman
Longmont Chorale, Inc.

In the Mood for Pops & Jazz
with the Longmont Concert Band
The Longmont Concert Band joins us for our Season Finale performance and fundraiser.
May 5
at 3pm
Niwot HS Auditorium

A Celtic Spring
A special performance of Celtic music with the Chorale Singers and Colorado-based Celtic duo Gadbaw & Krimmel.
Apr. 7, 2019
at 3pm
Westview Presbyterian Church

Rutter’s Mass of the Children
and Other Songs of Childhood
We perform with the St. Vrain Singers and more of our local young singers. The Chorale and guest singers are accompanied by orchestra for this performance.
Mar. 10, 2019
at 3pm
LifeBridge Christian Church

We are Guest Artists at the LSO’s Candlelight Concert
The Chorale Singers will be guest artists for the LSO’s concert of holiday chamber music.
*Please buy tickets at – this concert is not included in our 2018-2019 Season Tickets.
Dec. 16
at 4pm
Westview Presbyterian Church

Holiday Classics in 21st Century Gift Wrap
Our holiday concert of new holiday arrangements of old favorites, with Apollo Chamber Brass.
Dec. 2, 2018
at 3pm
LifeBridge Christian Church

Comin’ for to Carry Me Home
Songs of Faith, Hope, and Deliverance
Our season’s first major concert features African-American Spirituals.
Oct. 14, 2018
at 3pm
LifeBridge Christian Church
A Quincentennial Celebration!
Music inspired by the Reformation, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with music from J.S. Bach, Martin Luther, and Felix Mendelssohn. The Chorale is joined by singers from the choirs of Lifebridge Christian Church, Long’s Peak United Methodist Church, and Faith Community Lutheran Church. A guest brass ensemble accompanies the Chorale.
Oct. 15, 2017
at 3PM
Lifebridge Christian Church, Longmont
Glad Tidings!
Holiday Arrangements from America’s Great Choirs, based on their Holiday and Christmas concerts as seen on PBS. We’ll perform arrangements from the choirs of St. Olaf, Concordia, and Luther, as well as Mannheim Steamroller. Our Youth Vocal Competition winners display their talents at this concert, and we’ll be joined by special guests, the St. Vrain Singers and Apollo Chamber Brass.
Dec. 3, 2017
at 3PM
Lifebridge Christian Church, Longmont
The LSO’s Candlelight Concert with the Chorale Singers
Vivaldi’s beloved choral-orchestral work, Gloria, occupies the first half of this holiday program at Westview Presbyterian Church. The second half will transport us from some of the most beautiful sacred Baroque works to a fun sing-along! Join the Longmont Symphony Orchestra musicians and the Longmont Chorale Singers for this special holiday event.
Dec. 17, 2017
at 4PM
Westview Presbyterian Church, Longmont
Love Notes
Our Signature Fundraiser at Valentine’s
How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day?
Come celebrate with your sweetie to a wonderful performance by our auditioned group of singers, the Longmont Chorale Singers.
Feb. 11, 2018
at 3PM
Swan Atrium and Stewart Auditorium at the Longmont Museum
Requiem: Mozart’s Last Words
…And Remembering Other Works From the Classical Masters
Mozart’s Requiem and other classical choral masterpieces, circa 1730-1820. This is a classical concert of compositions by Mozart, Salieri, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, and more. The Chorale is joined by members of the Longmont Symphony Orchestra.
Mar. 11, 2018
at 3PM
Lifebridge Christian Church, Longmont
A musical fiesta! Take a choral journey with us through the Spanish speaking cultures of Mexico, South America, and Spain. We will be joined by special guest artists “Barrìo E” and Bella Voce, the Coal Creek Middle School Girls Choir.
May 6, 2018
at 3PM
Lifebridge Christian Church, Longmont
Get full details and information about all of this season's performances - click the button below:
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About 2-4 times per month, we send advance performance notices, reminders, ticket discounts, and special promotions to our Email Audience.
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important broadcasts.
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Scott Hamlin
Artistic Director

Karen Main
Tour With Us!
The Longmont Chorale is excitedly looking forward to our choir tour in June of 2020. We will begin in Helsinki, Finland, then travel to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, Riga, the capital of Latvia, Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, and end in Warsaw, Poland.
Scott Hamlin, Artistic Director

Thank you to our generous grantors and sponsors for supporting the Longmont Chorale!

Lynn & Helen Clark Fund
Ray Lanyon Fund