A Special Announcement for Our Local Student Musicians:
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Artistic Staff
Board of Directors
Find out what our members, our audience, and reviewers say about the Longmont Chorale.
Important Information
The application Deadline is Monday, 10/14/2024 for the Youth Vocal Competition on Saturday, 10/26/2024.
We believe in investing in the future of vocal music. That’s why the Longmont Chorale supports young singers, encouraging them to sing with us, study classical vocal techniques, and participate in our Youth Vocal Competition.
The competition provides a performance opportunity for students as well as valuable feedback from three local music professionals who judge each student’s performance. This season’s competition will take place Saturday, October 26, 2024.
Youth Vocal Competition winners are selected from two categories: Grades 6-9 and 10-12. Our first, second, and third place winners receive a cash prize. Each of our first place winners have the opportunity to perform a solo at our December concert.
This season, we will have a third category: “changed male voices”, if we have 5 or more applicants in that category.
Support the Youth Vocal Competition
Help support the Youth Vocal Competition by making a donation or becoming a sponsor. Send us a message through the form below to inquire, or call us at (303) 651-7664.

Eddie, our 2023 Middle School Division winner
Support the Youth Vocal Competition
Youth Vocal Competition
Saturday, October 26, 2024
at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
1303 S. Bross Ln., Longmont, CO 80501
Applications are due Monday, 10/14/2024
Download your Application Form by clicking this button:
Download a copy of the YVC Flyer by clicking this button:
Contact us about participating in or supporting the Youth Vocal Competition
Our Mission
The Longmont Chorale provides and supports an open, non-auditioned community choir, enriching the lives of singers and patrons through the study, creation, and performance of beautiful choral music.

Nathan Wubbena
Artistic Director
Nathan Wubbena received his Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Northern Colorado in 2011, and his Master of Music in Music Education with a Conducting Specialization at Colorado State University in 2018. He has conducted ensembles and taught students of all levels – elementary through adults, on both the Front Range and Western Slope. Nathan has had extensive experience teaching choral, musical theater, and contemporary a cappella genres, and is an accomplished performer in each.He is also the Artistic Director of the Boulder Children’s Chorale, as well as Board President and Artistic Director of Ascent Vocals. In 2015, he received the Outstanding Young Music Educator Award from the Colorado Music Educators Association, which honors outstanding achievement in an educator with up to 5 years of experience. His experience and recognition have since resulted in him being requested as guest clinician throughout the state of Colorado. He is Chair Emeritus of the Colorado Middle All State Choir board, of which he was a founding board member. Nathan resides in Longmont with his wife, Anna, his son, James, and daughter, Claire. He enjoys cheering for the Broncos and spending time outdoors with his family and dog.

Scott Hamlin
Associate Director
Scott received a Bachelor of Music from Biola University and a Master of Music from the University of Northern Colorado under the direction of Dr. Galen Darrough (director of the Longmont Chorale from 1990-2000). He has performed under renowned conductors, including Weston Noble, Roger Wagner, and many others. He also has served as Music Director in several churches, director of the Chorale Singers, Associate Pastor of Music and Worship at Calvary Church for 16 years, and accompanist for St. Vrain School District. Scott is starting his 13th season as Artistic Director of the Longmont Chorale.You might notice that when Scott steps to the mic, he often is out of breath. He describes conducting as a dance requiring flexibility, strength, stamina, and the ability to stand for long periods without becoming stiff. And, it’s not just the physical aspects of conducting that take energy; remaining positive, enthusiastic, encouraging, and caring so much—these also are draining. Scott truly wants the emotions captured by the composer, experienced by the singers and accompanist, and flowing through his hands to inspire each of you in the audience.

Karlie Carter
Karlie holds a BA in piano performance from Wake Forest University and an MA in music education from George Mason University. With an impressive background in both education and collaborative piano, Karlie has spent 27 years accompanying various choral programs, vocal soloists, and community groups, showcasing her versatility and dedication to the art of accompaniment. Her recent work with Young Voices of Colorado’s international choir festival, Sing a Mile High, has underscored her ability to shine on the international stage.In addition to her role with the Longmont Chorale, Karlie continues to teach music at Mountain View Elementary in Longmont. Her commitment to education and her collaborative spirit will undoubtedly enrich the musical experience for both the Chorale and the broader Longmont community. Karlie’s enthusiasm for creating beauty through music is infectious, and her presence will undoubtedly inspire the next generation of musicians.

Karen Main
Accompanist Emeritus
Karen has top-notch credentials. She started playing at age 4 and eventually received her Bachelor and Master of Music Education degrees from the University of Colorado-Boulder, studying voice and keyboard. Over the years, Karen has been: a vocal music teacher at St. Vrain Valley schools; pianist for Longmont High Schools; accompanist for junior and senior high vocal clinics working with conductors from across the nation; an arranger; a director; judge and accompanist for Stars of Tomorrow for nearly 40 years. Currently, she is organist, accompanist, and co-director for the worship choir at LifeBridge Christian Church in Longmont.So, why hang in there for over 30 years with weekly rehearsals and concerts all over the community? She says it’s the friendships, the love and support shown members who are going through a hard time, and the team effort to reach a great outcome. We are grateful.
of Longmont. Citizens had just voted out a City Council previously controlled by the Ku Klux
Klan and were trying to rebuild their city. Shantytowns appeared as families lost their homes in
the Depression. Not surprisingly, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? was one of the top songs in the
U.S. So, how did Longmont respond? Not by giving in to those difficult times––certainly not the
25 singers who gathered together and raised their voices through the dark clouds in their first
performance of The Messiah at the Ahlberg Chapel. Every year thereafter, they invited more
singers until 1937, when they officially became The Longmont Community Choir, directed by its
founder, Mr. Albert James. They sang as Europe trembled, as Jesse Owens won a Gold Medal
under Hitler’s nose, as Amelia Earhart disappeared. When we look at what they created in that
menacing atmosphere, we can agree with the most popular saying of the day: “Well, I’ll be a
monkey’s uncle!” It was a treacherous decade,
But, they kept on singing….
into the 1940s. Longmonters reeled from the attack on Pearl Harbor, and 2000 local sons and
daughters marched into WW II. Sugar beet production became critical to the war effort. and
many Japanese Americans avoided internment camps by traveling to Colorado to work the beet
fields. Colorado was the only state to accept them. German prisoners of war were housed on the
corner of Kimbark and Third Avenue in the Great Western Sugar Company’s hotel, now The Inn
Between. Woody Guthrie captured the horror and the hope of the 40s with This Land is Your
Land––“As the fog was lifting, a voice was chanting: This land was made for you and me.” In the
40s, Longmonters danced to Sentimental Journey. The Chorale enjoys singing both of these
songs almost 80 years later. Food was rationed, soldiers were gone for years on end; it would
have been easy to dismiss the arts as a luxury. Arts and nonprofit groups struggle in the best of
times, so what did the Community Choir do in the tumultuous 1940s? They could have quit,
But, they kept on singing…
color TVs and HiFis. They could pick up a sport shirt at Penney’s for $1.98 and wear it to the
Longmont Pet and Doll Parade. The miraculous polio vaccine ended fear of that terrifying
paralytic disease. Horrified parents watched the Ed Sullivan Show as Elvis gyrated to Hound
Dog. In Longmont schools, children practiced Duck and Cover Drills, hiding under desks to
escape nuclear fallout. The Cold War was in full swing, including the specter of Big Brother.
There was some good news, too. The Space Race took off, and segregation became illegal in the
U.S. for the first time. The Community Choir had grown to 100 singers, with many original
members still singing. We haven’t located any remaining originals for our 80th Anniversary, but they truly are with us in spirit. We appreciate everyone who kept things going against
incredible odds. They could have given up,
But they kept on singing…
1960's & 1970's
assassination. But, there were Good Vibrations as well. In 1966, Longmont High School speech
teacher, Mr. Albert James, now conducted 140 community choir singers. Yes, that’s the same Mr.
James––founder of the Community Choir and namesake of Longmont High School Auditorium
where the Chorale later performed. That was pretty groovy. Also in 1966, Community Choir
members welcomed the brand new Longmont Symphony Orchestra to the local music scene.
The 1970s began in an uproar––first the shootings at Kent State and then a presidential
resignation. Vietnam divided us, Jonestown shocked us, the Munich Olympic massacre saddened us,
and Three Mile Island frightened us mightily. We even survived disco. The Community Choir
reflected the instability of the 70s as seven conductors took up the baton. While native son, astronaut
Vance Brand, soared above Longmont on the Apollo-Soyuz mission, singers raised their voices to
celebrate our nation’s bicentennial with another rousing performance of The Messiah.
They just kept singing…
1980's & 1990's
the direction of Raymond Harrison, whose talent and enthusiasm many of you enjoyed until his
retirement last spring. While parents scratched their heads trying to understand their
teenagers, the Chorale gained one bodacious accompanist, Karen Main. She still amazes our
audiences and us. Michael Jackson’s Thriller electrified the music world, but consider this:
between 1985 and 2016, Karen has missed only two rehearsals. That kind of commitment truly
is a thriller.
Musically, the 90s saw a pop music explosion, and the Longmont Chorale, under the
direction of Galen Darrough, exploded as well. Five groups––over 250 singers–– entertained at
concerts and local events. Longmont enjoyed the voices of the Chorale, the Children’s Chorale,
the Esprit Singers, the new Heartland Quartet, and the new auditioned group (now the Chorale
Singers.) In the 90s, the people of Colorado and the world were shocked by the tragedies at
Columbine High School and Oklahoma City. It’s no wonder the song, My Heart Will Go On, was a
top seller. But, as the Cold War faded from the headlines and Nelson Mandela was released from
prison, hearts were lifted once again,
And the Longmont Chorale kept on singing…
2000's & 2010's
turned its attention to Longmont’s new restaurants, music venues, breweries, and festivals.
There’s new vitality in Sugar Beet Town! In 2013, the Longmont Chorale spread some of that
Longmont joy when we toured the UK, singing in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and small towns
along the way. As with the previous decades, there are serious challenges. In this, our new
millennium, we struggle to comprehend and prevent terrorism. Leonard Bernstein reminded us
that war, crime, terror–– these things must not silence the music; they must redouble our
devotion to it. This year, we honor the devotion of singers, conductors, and accompanists who
have kept the music coming for eight decades. This year, we also celebrate ten years with our
amazing and devoted director, Scott Hamlin. And, we thank you for 80 years of support and
appreciation of our music. With such loyalty,
How can we keep from singing?
* We acknowledge and appreciate the poem “How can I keep from singing” by R. W. Lowry

Our Singers
This means that our members span all musical skill, educational, and experience levels, from complete beginner to advanced.
We are one of few nonauditioned choirs left in our area.
If you’ve been away from singing for a while, or maybe you’ve never sung in a choral group like ours – join us!
You need not join for all of the concerts of the season. Join us for our first or second rehearsal for each concert cycle. Watch our website and Facebook page for announcements about your next opportunity to sing. You can also join our email list, using the signup boxes on the Home page and Contact Us page.
For more information about singing with the Longmont Chorale, please take a look at our Join page.

Bob Balsman
Bob joined in early 2007 for the Mozart Requiem performances. He sings baritone, with occasional tenor solos. Most enjoyable are the major works and other classical music we sing as well as opera. Bob works in IT, currently as a database administrator. What’s his hobby? Chorale! “When I find time, I enjoy playing my piano and taking voice lessons. Chorale has had a really big impact on my life. I even met my wife (Paula) in Chorale!”
Dale VanZant
Ticket Meister
Dale has been in the Longmont Chorale for over 20 years. He sings 2nd tenor or what he calls, “failed Baritone.” It’s hard to tell he is retired. Dale is a pilot and member of the born-in-Tulsa tenors club – one of two members. To Dale, the Chorale means a chance to concentrate on music one night a week, leaving other cares behind, to make excellent friendships, and use his work skills in helping the Chorale. As ticket-meister, you often will hear Dale say, “You can’t sell ‘em if you don’t have ‘em!”
Amanda Thaden-Fidjeland
Amanda is an accountant with a Bachelor’s degree, currently working towards a Master’s in Business Administration. Her musical family includes a grandfather who performed in off-Broadway shows and an aunt who performs with a band. Amanda spent her childhood and high school years in choir and marching band and some adult years singing with her church choir. She wanted a way to channel the musical joy of her younger years while also finding a way to embed herself in the community, so she searched and found Longmont Chorale. Amanda plays piano and flute. Her favorite music to sing is opera.
Amy Hamilton
Amy joined the Longmont Chorale in October 2011 after moving to Colorado from out of state. A first soprano, she has been honored to perform a few small solos over the years! Amy has previously sung with the Concert Choir of New Orleans, choirs in Lafayette and Monroe, Louisiana, and Monterey, California. She most enjoys singing classical works and opera. Amy loves languages, is (formerly) fluent in French, and has a Masters in French Translation. She works in Clinical Research as an RN Safety Monitor for clinical trials. She enjoys nature, being active, and spending time with friends and family.
Deb Heller
Deb is a retired federal accountant who moved to Longmont from D.C. the end of 2011. She sang with the two pops choruses prior to moving here and joined the Longmont Chorale for the March 2014 performance of Carmina Burana with the LSO. She sings second alto and generally prefers pops music, but enjoys singing the variety offered by the Chorale. The Chorale offers both an outlet for her to sing but also to meet a great group of people.
Laura Bonnet
Laura grew up in California where she was very involved in the local community theater: acting, singing, and dancing in every production until she was 18. Throughout high school, Laura was involved in several choirs, marching band, and played several instruments (none of them well!). At SDSU, she graduated with a degree in drama. After marrying and starting a family, Laura went back to school for her teaching credential and taught for many years before moving the family to Longmont. Laura joined the Longmont Chorale in 2019 and joined the board in 2022. She is very happy to have music back in her life!
Ian Tinney
Ian has been singing with the Chorale for 12 years and loves the great variety of music that we perform. He is retired, but has been a graphic designer, silversmith, yacht carpenter and auto mechanic. In his spare time, he plays 1864 rules baseball. “Singing with the Chorale is a form of therapy for me.” Recovering from a stroke in 2009, Ian lost his voice. His speech therapist sang with him, reminding him how much he enjoyed singing when he was younger. Now it’s a major part of his life and has allowed him to perform at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in an Easter Sunrise Service.
Kathryn Pirie
Guild President
Kathy has been in the Chorale for 30 years! She sings tenor. She likes pop and folk music, John Denver, the Carpenters. Kathy, now retired, was a Software Engineer and Personnel Manager for IBM. Her hobbies include travel, crochet, and Seek-n-Find Pillows for hospitals and foster children. She currently serves on the Colorado State Board of P.E.O. Many P.E.O. members sing in the Chorale as well. Kathy says, “The Longmont Chorale is a precious, safe place where I have learned much about vocal performance and have gained many friends.”
Robert Coombes
Vice President & Personnel Committee
Bob has been in the Chorale for over 20 years. He had not sung in a vocal group since the 1970s, but considers it his lucky day when he joined the Longmont Chorale. Bob is the other member of the born-in-Tulsa tenors club. Being a retired engineer in the disk-drive industry, Bob has lived in Oklahoma (thrice), Missouri, California (twice), and Colorado (twice). He enjoys the opportunity to perform varied music with the Longmont Chorale . Because Bob has space to store the trailer, he also acts as Riser Wrangler Lead.
Shannon Kim
Shannon has been singing with the Longmont Chorale as a first soprano since August 2018, previously singing with the South Florida Master Chorale. A New Jersey native, Shannon has performed both in choirs and musicals since elementary school and holds a bachelor’s degree in music education with an emphasis in vocal music. As an educator she has taught all ages from public school music (K-12), to Music Together (ages 0-5) and finally private piano and voice (ages 3-99). Currently Shannon is a stay-at-home Mom to her two sons and, in her free time, enjoys all the outdoor activities Colorado has to offer.

Nancy Mervar
Personnel, Grants, & Diversity
Nancy, tenor, has sung with the Longmont Chorale since 1989. Having retired from the public-school system, Nancy shares her skills with us for diversity, crisis and financial planning, personnel hiring and evaluations, and grant writing. Although classical music is her favorite genre, she enjoys singing the many different types of music we perform. Nancy and her husband raise goats near Lyons for the purpose of fire mitigation. She has also published two children’s stories about goats.
Nancy Mervar
Personnel, Grants, & Diversity
Nancy, tenor, has sung with the Longmont Chorale since 1989. Having retired from the public-school system, Nancy shares her skills with us for diversity, crisis and financial planning, personnel hiring and evaluations, and grant writing. Although classical music is her favorite genre, she enjoys singing the many different types of music we perform. Nancy and her husband raise goats near Lyons for the purpose of fire mitigation. She has also published two children’s stories about goats.
Wendy Gronbeck
Recordings & Writing
Wendy has been in the Chorale for 5 years. She had not sung in a group since the ‘60s but considers it her lucky day when she joined the Chorale. She grew up in Michigan and lived many years in Iowa City before coming to Colorado. She is a retired hospice nurse coordinator and broadcast writing consultant. She does a little writing for the Chorale and manages CD sales. Currently, she is trying to survive her new puppy, Woody.
Diane Boyle
Music Librarian
Diane, Librarian for the Longmont Chorale, is a native of Longmont. She is passionate about helping elderly and others live with dignity and independence at home, so she created Diane Boyle’s Homecare LLC. Diane has been a member of the chorale 39 or 40 years, back when it was called Longmont Community Choir. “The Chorale is my extended family and pushes me to become a better singer, Librarian, and person.” I belong to Kindred Spirits of the Rockies, a paranormal group who explores alternative levels of communication with deceased.
Lorilynn King
Lori was in the Chorale in the 1990s, then rejoined in 2012. She’s a 2nd soprano, but loves to learn all of the parts! She’s fascinated by the a cappella phenomenon (Pentatonix, Straight No Chaser.) Lori is in a master’s program at Regis University, studying Database Administration. She has experience as a professional accompanist and is also a professional quilter who has won international awards. “I love the Chorale because people there that love music as much as I do; we all have a common goal of producing beautiful music that feeds the souls of our audience as well as ourselves.”VOLUNTEERS
Keep Us Singing!
Our volunteers make the season’s many performances possible. Without their support, we could not bring performances of great choral music to our community.
To view our current volunteer opportunities and consider which might be right for you, please click the button below.
Audience Comments
Here’s a sampling of what our audience says.
Member Feedback
Here are some of the things our members share.
Professional Reviews
Here are excerpts from their reviews.